Was it or wasn’t it Aristotle? says it was but argues that it wasn’t. Either way, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is one of the most recognised philosophical quotes in history. It is most often attributed to the 4th-century bc Greek philosopher, Aristotle.
At Gartan, we pride ourselves in delivering the very best time management solutions. Our designers take pride in their work to ensure our rostering and competency management applications are easy to use. But we also understand the importance of providing you with everything you need to train your users to utilise them to their full potential.
Gartan Technologies is expanding its team in response to a growing demand for its products and services. The company specialises in rostering, payroll and competency management software for Public Sector Emergency Services
Our aim is always to help make our clients’ lives easier. So when Cumbria County Council came to us with a payroll calculation problem, we put our thinking caps on and came up with a solution that worked for them.
Once you begin researching scheduling software, you will discover a wide variety of automated time management and rostering systems, but which one is right for you as a front-line organisation? Ask yourself these 8 Questions
At Gartan we pride ourselves on our long-lasting customer relationships as well as our ability to develop the very best rostering, time & attendance and competency management solutions.
Abigail Adams, wife of the second US president, John Adams, said of learning that it is “not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardour and attended to with diligence”.
'A Year in the Life of Gartan Technologies' A review of just some of our highlights from the last 12 months
We specialise in rostering, payroll and competency management solutions but sometimes it's best to let the numbers speak for themselves.
Gallup surveyed over 35 million employees to understand their attitudes to their work. Only 10% of the participants described themselves as being ‘passionate’ about their work.
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